martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Don´t Talk To Strangers

Don´t Talk To Strangers

when you are lost during your walk,
they´re there waiting for you to talk.

don´t talk to strangers,
´cause it could be dangerous,
don´t talk to strangers,
´cause it could be painful.

please, don´t pay them attention,
´cause it will bring you to frustration.

what it seems to be kind and beauty,
can be a wrong mirror for foolish.

don´t talk to strangers,
´cause it could be dangerous,
don´t talk to strangers,
´cause it could be painful.

if you did it, learn how to rise yourself,
it´s a favour if you know how to get there.

don´t talk to strangers,
´cause it could be dangerous,
don´t talk to strangers,
´cause it could be painful.

don´t talk to strangers...

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