viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011



Travelling, just travelling,
feeling like to look for,
finding out something,
where I could get lost.

Free my mind when,
trips go round´n´round,
going far away and then,
don´t know where, don´t know how.

Telling you what I feel,
making up the world,
building mountains and seas,
where you could hike and float.

And if a world is in white,
I paint it all in rainbow,
letters obeying my mind,
giving you presents in words.

The best moment for me,
when I show you the way,
meet the people I meet,
they´re there, night and day.

But sometimes I wonder,
if all these trips are useful,
if I get the aim when,
with this you smile too.

The only thing I know,
is this is my living,
feeling like to look for,
in trips where I´m feeling.

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