martes, 4 de junio de 2019




A   Rodrigo de Triana, 3


Esta es la casa de Manolo Marín (maestro de baile).


Desde sus inicios hasta su primera academia en esta misma calle, toda una vida dedicada al baile y la docencia, repartiendo su sabiduría y su arte por medio mundo.


 Triana le dedica este recuerdo.

Septiembre 2015


This is the house of Manolo Marin (the dance teacher).

From his early days and to his first academy on the same street, all his life has been dedicated to dancing and teaching, sharing his wisdom and his art with people from all around the world.


Triana bestows this memorial to him.

September of 2015


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POEMBER Noviembre 2021, 22 y 23